Wednesday 18 May 2011

econ reaction 3

“Corruption in the Philippines is a large problem and is integrated in the society for years.
The ‘bigger’ corruption can be found in the government offices and the House of Representatives, and even in the senate of the Philippines. Many ‘officials’ are corrupt and get money that is not actually theirs, but belongs to the people of the Philippines. There are many jokes about the so called “pork barrel” issues in the House of Representatives.”
Philippines is well known for its beauty in terms of natural resources and rich in man power but on the other side of the coin, it is known for its corrupt political ways. I as a Filipino wanted to feel a sense of pride whenever I say that I am a Filipino. Of course there are many things in my country that I could be proud of, but what seems to be wrong is that the way how my country is managed. Corruption seems to be a cliché in the Philippines, even I personally is sick of listening to the endless promises that are without fulfilment. Corruption starts in a small way, it is very embarrassing to see that even the foreigners had something to criticize in us. For me, as much as possible, we could start a good image in the world. Telling them that what do they think of the Philippines are now part of the past and is not exercised today.
Why is it that for many years Philippines has not elevated from the status of being down? Try to internalize this. In my opinion, all of the corruptions are not to be blamed to the government officials, of course we cannot deny the fact that they really do but there are also other contributing factors of corruption. And here enters the small ways of corruption. Even if you think that it is only a tiny way of corruption still it is corruption. Most of us blame the officials by doing such corruption and do not realize that even in our small ways we sometimes commit such sinful act. As an example, when a foreigner went to the immigration he encountered the parking boy and helped him park his car. After he did all his processing of papers, he went back to the parking lot and fond the guy helping him again. Then the guy came near him, the foreigner immediately took 10 peso coin, and handed it to the guy. But the guy did not accepted it, instead he asked for 30 pesos. The foreigner said that he will only give 30 pesos if the guy gives him an issued ticket for parking. Imagine even simple people can do corruption; they may not realize it instantly but WE MUST OPEN OUR EYES!! I am not pleased on how the guy reacted after the foreigner said that he won’t give 30 pesos unless the guy gives a ticket. He actually said dirty words!! That guy really boils my blood, how arrogant is he that he demanded for such an amount. He doesn’t even have the right to ask for money since he is not officially hired and recognized as an employee. Duh! I really don’t like the way the guy acted that time. What will be the first thing to be in the foreigner’s mind? Another perception that will represent the Filipinos in the wrong way.
In my view, what we must do is that we should change our mindset. Our way of life and look for something that we could be useful and be a good citizen contributing to our country.
As a Filipino I am looking forward to changes in our country, in terms of: economic elevation, political honesty, and unity in diversity. I truly realize that changing the country starts in one’s self. I suggest you must realize that too and must start looking for jobs. Corruption can be found in all layers of the community, I could say that it is now the time that we must do things right and make a difference for the betterment of the country.

Sunday 1 May 2011

econ reaction 2

Philippines most corrupt, survey says…
By: Carlos H. Conde
Published: Tuesday, March 13, 2007
MANILA- Expatriate businessmen in Asia perceive the Philippines as the most corrupt country in the region, according to a survey released Tuesday. The survey, conducted in January and February, queried 1,476 expatriate executives in 13 countries and territories in Asia. The Philippines scored 9.40, where a score of zero is the least corrupt and 10 is the most corrupt. In 2006 survey, in which Indonesia was regarded as the most corrupt, the Philippines scored 7.80. Indonesia improved its score to 8.30 this year (2007), a development that report credits to a government anti-corruption campaign.
“The Philippines has been getting the least amount of foreign investment, and the level of foreign capital flowing to its stock market is also less than either Indonesia or Thailand,” the report noted. To the question “How effective is the judicial system at prosecuting and punishing individuals for corruption when abuses are uncovered?” the respondents gave the Philippines a score of 9.06, with 10 being “ineffective.” The poll is certain to rile President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, who has claimed that her government’s efforts against corruption are bearing fruit. Arroyo hired Tony Kwok, an anti-corruption crusader from Hong Kong credited for stamping out corruption in the Chinese territory, as an adviser in 2005.
To the question “To what extent corruption a deterrent to your willingness to invest and expand your business?” the Philippines scored 8.50, with 10 reflecting “a major deterrent.” Local corruption monitors confirms that graft and bribery in the Philippines remain rampant. Corruption has penetrated every level of government, from Bureau of Customs down to the traffic police officers who pull over motorists to demand bribes. Nearly $2 billion dollars, or roughly 13 percent of the Philippines’ annual budget, is lost to corruption in the country each year, according to the United Nations Development Program.
How embarrassing to hear these words coming from foreign economists who conducted the 2007 corruption survey. As a Filipino, I cannot imagine what a disgrace to be held as the most corrupt country. For me it is really dirt in the name of the Republic of the Philippines having associated by this. I as an individual would like to see my own country walk in the flourished aisle of prosperity and peace. But as I look forward to these desires, there are barriers that block the spreading of the wings of my beloved motherland. Philippines in the first place is a very productive land, a land with fertile soil and rich natural spots. But how come that in this very productive country, still it’s in turtle progress? For me, it is now time for the people to check if the problem is within us. It is a basic belief in the Buddhist culture that we must not live according to our selfish desires for us to have true happiness, now this philosophy can be applied in all people’s lives. Philippines reached a new height in the rank of the most corrupt country. It was in 2006 that Indonesia who hit the top most corrupt country followed by the Philippines but in the next year Philippines overtook Indonesia. It really boils my blood to hear and see what a disgrace these corrupt people give to the Philippines even to me as a Filipino. They really got this thick faces to get money out from the people’s share and bribe all they want! I mean in the first place the moneys they get are not theirs: it is intended for the people and what is rightful is give it to the right recipients. In my country Philippines, we are looking forward to raise ourselves out from poverty but how can we get away from this cage if even our own officials stab us at the back? The government officials’ act of corruption leads the anger of people to increase. There are many problems that are planned to happen and of course budget has been allocated. But as I have observed, great is the allocated amount but less it will reach. As I look at the systematic way of corruption in my country, their styles are similar and there is no specific mastermind that the police can point out. And if there is, still they escape the hands of justice simply because they have the money, power (through connections), and the justice parse has no teeth in crashing corruption. “The Philippines has been getting the least foreign direct investment, and the level of foreign capital flowing to its stock market is also less than either Indonesia or Thailand.” Therefore even into this amount of money they must think of the people first. For me as a citizen of my own country, if I was one who were asked “How effective the judicial system prosecuting and punishing individuals for corruption when abuses are uncovered?” I would rate it 9.5, as 10 ids “ineffective” I don’t know if the law has the problem or the people who are in charge of enforcing the law. There are great names who have committed this and some are uncovered. But the irony is they are not put in jail, maybe because of their connections and their money. Whereas if you are a commoner heavier punishment will you receive. Shame to Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, when she claimed her government efforts against corruption is bearing fruit. The only time I will believe her great lie is when Mike Arroyo is behind bars together with GMA and their company. Our country must increase in business and foreign affairs for us to expand our economy and reach our greatest dream. Major deterrent that compel businessmen to invest in our country is the dirty tag of being corrupt, not just a mere corrupt but the “most corrupt”. If I am a businesswoman of course I won’t easily accept a proposal in investing such great money to a corrupt country. In the first place that this country is in the state of poverty and less money is reaching the people, how can I expand my business if these people can’t afford my product? These kinds of expectations will first come in my mind and cause me to deliberate surely. But truly for me, we need to clean this record and start a better one out of the dirty list. And those dirty conspirators must better start doing good because they keep saying to normal people like me to follow the laws and be a cooperative citizen for the betterment of the country. But then they don’t know how to tame their hands from getting what doesn’t belong to them. Graft and bribery is still rampant even in our present time whether local or even rational. Corruption has penetrated every level of the government, from the bureau of customs down to the traffic police officers who pull over motorist to demand bribes. No wonder Philippines is hailed as the most corrupt because even in the highest position, people are still like illiterate individuals, acting as if all their conscience are gone. These people are not dumb not to hear the people’s cry. What I can’t fathom is the guts of these people to get an amount that is very huge. It gives obvious clues for people to doubt where the money were that are supposed to be for the benefit of nation. What do those people think that Filipinos are idiot not to realize this? Imagine $2 million dollars annually goes to the wrong hands, which can save thousands or eve million families from starving to death day by day. For me is it ironic to see the leader of a country to leave in luxury and great pride but when we look at his or her people that are oppressed, starve and barely living for survival.
The challenge for me is that I a must live my life honestly and truthfully. Even in my daily life I must not engage on things that makes me corrupt even in small things. For me the key to national stability and progress is change of mind set and fear to God. It is now time to stop evil, abolish graft and corruption.